Workforce Possibilities Job & Resource Fair: February 1 in Plano

North Central Workforce Solutions & My Possibilities are hosting a Job & Resource Fair on Saturday, February 1, 2025, from 8:30am-1:30pm at 3601 Mapleshade Lane in Plano. The objective for this event is for the participants to learn about different resources in the area and have the opportunity to interact with Employers and Resources that are available to them. There will be sessions where participants will learn more about the role of our State Transition Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor as well as the Adult Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor as it relates to how they work within the Texas Workforce Solutions systems to provide optimal services to help students with disabilities reach their employability goals using Texas Workforce Solutions – Vocational Rehabilitation Services.

Below are the pre-registration links for the event.

·        Link for attendee pre-registration

·        Link for employer interest registration

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